Tuesday, January 16, 2024


I sometimes forget to hit the right button 

    I went to Emily's  last night to sit with an ailing dog until tJulia and Emily got home.

    So I did my blog and left the house.  I forgot to hit post.  

    I am sure my daily drivel was missed bye thousands of people who read it, so I apologize.

    I also apologize to the various people who did not get Christmas cards from us.  Seems I updated the list and eliminated about 15 people....friends, relatives, total strangers. I don't understand how I did that either.

    Anyway, when I was at Emily's the girls got to my house and could not get in!  The garage door was not opening and the little door into the garage was not accepting the code.

    They called and said get home, so I did.

    But I left the TV on at Emily's.  When she got home she was surprised the TV even went that loud.

    I left the TV on because I could not find the right remote to turn it off.  And  I figured the dogs would not even know I was gone because of the TV.  I was watching Jurassic Park, and had to leave just at the time the velocoraptors were starting to multiply and do their kill the human thing.Maybe I will finish that at home now that most of the football games are over.

    I will wear my hearing aids so that I don't have t o blast the TV.

    At the same time, we have watched a couple of Poirots on PBS. and even with hearing aids I have a hard time picking up the British/French accents.  So the TV gets turned up a bit.

    I am looking forward to the balmy temperatures expected over the next few days.  We should be at 13 tomorrow!  And 18 on Thursday!  That is almost spring like.

    Of course, another round of snow Wednesday into Thursday. 

    I have a guy plow my driveway.  He comes when there is a 2 inch or greater snowfall.  He was here the other day and the driveway was great....until the wind started blowing.

    I had a nice drift across the drive.  I thought of firing up my little Toro and attacking the drift in the -4 temps, with a -18 windchill where flesh can freeze in as little as 20 minutes.  I thought again and texted the guy and he was there within the hour.  If he doesn't know it needs plowing, he won't come.  But if it needs it, all I have to do is contact him.

    Message received.

Peace and Love

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