Saturday, January 27, 2024

woof, woof

 Terry is not writing this tonight

    I,  Beth, the family dog, am doing the writing.

    I know you don't believe it, but miracles happen all the time!

    It is sort of like the movie Freaky Friday, where the teen girl switches with her mom for he day.  Or week.  I don't remember.

    So I have taken over his body and he is in mine.

    They put me in a kennel every night.  But they don't shut the door.  I like it.  I feel safe and warm in there.  And if I have to go out, I can go up to their bed and whine.  Except I did that the other day and neither one of them woke up, so I went and got Julia.

    Terry doesn't always understand me.

    Sure, it may be 30 degrees but I love to go outside and just watch the world.  He goes out with me at night and I can see him start to shiver and tell me something that I don't understand because I don't speak human talk.  But he seems to be adjusting.  he gives me treats, lots of love, belly rubs, food, and he lets me go outside and stand on the sidewalk until he starts to shiver.

    Jackie can't pet me as much as she would like.  I can tell.  But I can't get up on her chair, and she can't get down to my level, so I may seem a little stand offish toward her.

    I know whenever she eats, I will get some food food.  Usually it's because she gives it to me, but it also happens when she drops food.

    Julia gives me breakfast every day and lets me out first thing in the morning.  Then she goes downstairs to work.  But before she starts, we play!

    I love playing downstairs because it is carpeted and I can run and not slide across the floors like I do upstairs.

    Life is pretty good here.  I would like more attention, but what dog wouldn't?

    When Terry goes down on the floor to put Jackie's socks on her feet, I love to stick my nose in and lick his face. It drives him nuts.

    I also like to bark at imaginary shapes!  When I do that, someone gets up to look outside to see what is happening and there is never anything there!  It's a hoot to watch them scurry around.

    At night I like to find a dark place to sit, so Jackie can panic and tell Terry to find me.  Sometimes he forgets to bring me inside, so me hiding in a dark spot is a fun game to play.

    I am a female dog.  When I have to go to the bathroom, I have to look away from him.  It's a modesty issue.  He looks away too because he knows a lady needs her privacy.

    It's almost been 1 year since we met.  They came to a meet and greet in Sterling and met me, but I was going to somebody else.  That person ended up not taking me, so Terry and Jackie did.  Julia has been a big help to keeping me healthy and happy.  And Emily gives lots of advice too.  It really is a family affair.

    I can feel myself starting to weaken....time for me to return to my dog body.

Peace and Love


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