Sunday, January 28, 2024

lots of laughs

 I went to a comedy show today

    Philip Earl Johnson was in town for an afternoon show at the Lincoln Performing Arts Center.

    Most people know him as the performer MooNiE, who does shows at Renaissance faires around the country.

    But today his show was very different.

    No juggling.  No tight rope.  No whistling.  No fire eating. 

    He talked!  In his Renn Faire shows he does not talk, he communicates by whistling.

    So his show today was a bit out of his comfort zone, but it was great.

    He told great stories, sang some great songs, and created lots of laughs.

    Afterwards "special" people got to go to an after show gathering featuring hot chocolate, cookies, and Philip.  He talked, we laughed some more, he answered was a great event.  By the way, you were special if you bought the after show ticket.

    I bought 4 tickets to the show.  But Jackie decided not to go, the fourth person decided not to go, so Emily and I went.  I sold my after show tickets to the Camplains.  TC and I even had our picture taken with MooNiE in front of our picture in the theater.

    But due to my complete lack of computer knowledge, I can't get the pictures moved from the phone to the computer.  Emily took them on her phone and messaged them to me.  I thought I could air drop them from my phone the the computer, but the computer does not show up as an air drop destination.

    Maybe tomorrow.

    Exciting football games today!  I missed the Chiefs win, but watched most of the 49ers-Lions game.  I was disappointed the Lions did not win, but happy the 49ers did.

    My next problem is the Super Bowl.  I like both quarterbacks.  I hate to root against either  of them.

    Such a conundrum, eh?

    While I was at the show, Kevin, Jen, and Sam came over to watch the games.  Julia made dishes from India for super and a good time was had by all.

Peace and Love

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