Thursday, January 11, 2024


 How bad will this winter storm be?

    Tom Skilling of WGN showed a graphic that puts Rochelle in the 9 inch zone....the prediction was 9.1, as if the .1 makes any difference.

    Of course, the storm can change course and give us more snow, or less snow.

    But there is also supposed to be a rain/snow mixture at some point, which means icing and dangerous road conditions.

    Then in the afternoon we may have blizzard like conditions.

    Holy Crap!

    I have a physics question.  At least I think it is a physics question.

    I was outside with Beth a little while ago.  I was standing on the porch and I heard a whirring/rumbling sound that got louder and louder.

    The road in our subdivision curves.  This is important.  Or not, I am not sure.

    The noises got louder, then faded.  This happened several times.

    I noticed that as cars on Flagg Road came into my view, the noise disappeared!  This happened with every westbound car.

    I would hear a loud whirring sound and as the car headlights became visible, the sound faded.

    I am guessing the moisture laden air carries the sound of the tires on the road better than dry air.  I am also guessing that as the cars are in one section of the road where there are houses on both sides, thus an echo effect is created.

    I am also guessing that as the cars come into view, there are open fields an d the echo effect is gone.

    Does that make any sense?

    I guess that was my question.

    Finally, I have been out of teaching for 15 years and I still get excited for a snow day!  Rochelle schools, and most other area schools, have already cancelled for tomorrow.  

    This storm is supposed to affect the area until sometime Saturday....which is a long haul.  

     I have stocked up on the basics...toilet paper, chocolate, potato chips, red wine.... and am ready to sit it out.

    I hope no one reading this has to travel anywhere tomorrow.  If you have something planned, cancel it.

    Stay home.  Stay safe.

    Keep those furnace exhausts and generator exhaust vents clear, especially when the snow starts blowing.

    Make some hot chocolate and enjoy the day.

Peace and Love

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