Wednesday, January 24, 2024

a first

 I had my first full body massage today

    Now that I think about it, it was not actually a full body massage.

    She did my lower body and my back, but not my chest area.  So is it a full body or not?  I don't know.

    I went because my back and legs were sore.  I do go to a chiropractor, but the pain in my buttocks and legs was pretty bad yesterday, so Emily suggested I get the massage.

    For a while I did feel better.

    But I went to feed the birds.  Trudging through the snow, I slipped and slid and may have aggravated my  back.  My leg was really sore, again.

    I put ice on it and that seems to help, but my buttocks still hurt.

    Aren't you glad you are reading this?


    Feb. 14 is a big day this year.

    Ash Wednesday, for one.  Valentine's Day for another.  And spring training starts for the Cubs!  That's the official date for pitchers and catchers to report in Arizona.  It is also the signal that spring is coming, and winter is going.

    I know other teams  may start earlier, but I don't care about other teams.  

    This is the part of winter I don't like.

    The constant melting, occasional rain, freezing surfaces, muddy areas, months of dog doo exposed, temperatures on drugs with freezing one day and not freezing the next, snow that looks like, well, not like snow anyway.... I don't like any of it.

    I have some outside shoes.  I also have winter boots.  What I don't have are chukka style boots good for the winter, with lugged soles that provide some traction o the ice.  So do I buy them now, or wait until the fall?  

    If I buy them now, I may not remember where I put them or even that I have them.  And if I wait until fall, I might forget I want them.

    Such is my life these days.... always a problem, seldom a solution.

    Stay upright.  Stay warm.  stay safe.

Peace and Love  

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