Monday, January 22, 2024

Doggy days

 I had to shovel and scrape the sidewalk today

    Not because it was snowy and icy, which it was.  

    But because the snow the grass is so deep, Beth is doing her business on the sidewalk.

    We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies.

    I am shocked at how much waste that little dog creates.  It sure does stand out with the white snow.

    We had a quiet day around the old homestead.

    I was supposed to take a friend to a medical appointment at 1:30, but the hospital called them  and said they  could come at 9:30 because of a cancellation. I could not take them because it takes me 2 hours to get Jackie up, showered, dressed, fed breakfast and ready for the day.  Luckily they found another ride.

    That was my movement for the day.  I ended up taking a nap because I did not sleep, again.  

    It was weird.  I woke up and looked outside about 2 a.m. and it was so bright.  I did not see a moon because of he cloud. cover, but the front and back yards were easily visible  in the light of night. I think the clouds formed a blanket and the snow reflecting off the clouds provided a lot of light.

    Whenever I do that, I spend a few minutes looking for deer, fox, or whatever.  I very seldom see any, but the yard is full of deer droppings and deer prints.

    No squirrel lately, but the harrier was perched on my gargoyle.  All the. birds were in hiding, because he flew off empty beaked.

    It's almost the end of January and I have yet to keep 1 of my 3 resolutions.  It frustrates me that I am unable to do the simplest tasks.

    Maybe in February.

Peace and Love


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