Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 What poet  wrote the fog creeps on little  cat feet?

Thank you, Google.

Why Illinois' own Carl Sandburg, that's who!

The fog comes 
on little cat feet. 

It sits looking 
over harbor and city 
on silent haunches 
and then moves on.

    Well, that fog certainly is on little cat feet tonight.

    It is as thick as pea soup.  I always wondered if pea soup is really thick.

    Maybe the expression should be as thick as ketchup.   Or peanut butter.  Or sludge from the treatment plant.

    Why pea soup?

    Another question.  Why are my second lines in a small paragraph indenting?  Did I hit a button on accident?  If so, which button?

    I hate technology.

    But I love food.

    We went to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate a friend's birthday today.  I tried something new, and dang if I can remember its name.  It's a cheese and steak quesadilla deep fried.  It was quite yummy.

Yes, that is my margarita.  No, I was not wasting away.  And yes, I found my shaker of salt.

    All in all it was a fun night.  

    Unfortunately I did have a brief mental breakdown while we were getting ready.  Sometimes I just can't deal with my caretaker role, and that was the case tonight.

    Luckily Julia and Emily pitched in while I reset. 

    Tomorrow I am going for a massage.  It will be my first one ever.  I don't exactly know what to expect, but hopefully my leg muscles won't hurt as much as they do now.

    And hopefully I will figure out what I did to create indents on every line.  And now that I look back, they type sizes are different too.  Damn technology.

Peace and Love

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