Monday, January 29, 2024

Happy Poop Day

 I bet you didn't know it was Poop Day!

    That is the day when enough snow melts that 3 months of dog poo are revealed!  It should be a national holiday!

    The sun came out, the snow disappeared, and lots of animal waste was revealed.

    I patrolled the front yard, but never attempted to get to the back.  Beth seldom goes in the back when there is snow, so I figured to save that for another day.

    Some of you know this story.  Years ago we had a house with a gravel driveway.  Our first dog used the driveway in the winter.

    I would go out and blow the driveway after a snow.

    Spring came and I was out in front of the house looking at the roof.

    Several globs of a brown, oozy mess were on the roof, melting and making heir way to the gutter.

    I had snow blown the  dog poop onto the roof!  It was ugly looking.

    I also learned how to correctly position the snowblower so it was not aiming toward the house.

    While cleaning up after Beth I ran across a huge pile that was not hers.  Somebody's dog or a coyote, but it was out of the area  in which she deposits.

    Eating something?

    Aren't you glad you are reading this?

    In tech news, turns out I did know how to move pictures from my phone to the computer.  I figured it out by myself.

    Pictures in a text get saved to photo.  Then I download the photos to the computer.  It's easy and I am surprised I forgot how to do it.

    The biggest news of the day was the sun shining for more than 2 minutes.  It looked so good this afternoon.  

    I really think I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.  January and February were always my worst months of teaching.  I was grouchy, irritable, and in general a pain in the butt.  I am still that way, and I think it is the lack of sun.  When Ol Sol came out today, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

    My step was lighter, until I stepped down and hurt my back.  That put me in a bad mood again.  I was sore, aggravated, and wanted to take a nap.

    But I didn't.  Because I had poop to pick up.  And recycling to take care of.  I seemed to have missed the last pick up of both. 

    And I made doctor appointments!  Going to see a heart doc for a routine visit, my personal care physician for an annual check, and my audiologist for a good laugh.

    Such is life at this age....doctors followed by more doctors.

Peace and Love

My highly annoying duck whistle and a new hat!

Me, Philip Johnson (aka MooNiE), and Terry Camplain
Notice the picture?

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