Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Sometimes I read things I can't believe

    Recently I read that Savannah GA is one of the busiest sea ports in the US.

    Ok, I can believe that.

    But there is a bridge in Savannah that may cause problems in the future.  The bridge is not tall enough to allow the larger container ships to get into the harbor.  If they can't get into the harbor at Savannah, they will have to go somewhere else.

    The solution is....... raise the bridge!

    Engineers will replace and shorten the enter span cables to raise the bridge 20 feet in the center,  allowing room for  the anticipated bigger ships.

    All I can think is ye gads!  

    This is a huge bridge.  They don't anticipate the bridge being closed to traffic.  

    Like I said, some things I just can't believe.

    The project will cost about $189  million, which is still less than Ohtani got for signing with the Dodgers.

    I am not an engineer.  Heck, I can't even spell it!  But it seems to me that if you have a road, and you raise part of that road 20 feet, you are going to come up short of concrete somewhere on that road.  

    The project isn't going to start until 2025 and is considered a temporary fix until  a new $2 billion bridge is built.

    Speaking of numbers, sometime in the past few days this blog passed the 300,000 mark for page views!

    I am grateful and thankful for all of you who have read this drivel.  You may not be a regular reader, but you don't have to be because most of the entries stand by themselves.

    So...thank you again for allowing me to share my boring life with you.

    I will share this tidbit with you.  I read it somewhere, but I don't remember where.

    There was a new king crowned in a far off land.  He was only 12 inches tall!!!  It. was amazing that he even became king.  Unfortunately, he was not a very good king.  But he made an excellent ruler.

Peace and Love

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