Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Covid 6 + 3

Still going strong, like that battery bunny 

    We are still doing ok, I guess.

    Tired.  But I have been tired a lot.

    Jackie is tolerating the Covid medication pretty well.  She has a doctor appointment in DeKalb tomorrow and called the clinic today.  She explained her health situation and after consulting with others, they told her to come to the appointment.  I told Jackie I would wheel her in, then go sit in the car. 

    Yesterday I took a 2 hour nap, waking up about 5.  Of course, I could not get to sleep last. night.  I went to bed at 10:30, read until 11, tossed until 1, walked around, went back to bed, finally fell asleep after 2.  Then was up again at about 3:30.

    For minute or two I thought I was going to wake everybody  up.

    Beth has this round toy with a tail.  When she shakes it, it barks and rolls around.

    Well, step on that at around 1:30 and it makes a hell of a lot of noise!  You can't turn it off, it just has to run its course.

    Little things irritate me more than usual.

    We still have a landline.  Last night the phone was flashing the new message signal, which is a yellow light.

    I sleep with my eyes partially open and that damn light bothered me.  I went into the bathroom, closed the door and listened to the message.....but the light did not go off.

    After I went back to bed I looked around the room and noticed all the "vampires" .... energy sucking devices that have little lights to show they are on.  The tv cable box, smoke detector, radio, all seem to bother me.  Now that I think about it, there must be more.  So I put on why sleep mask and that helped a little.

    In the living room there is enough light to not step on a dog's toy, but somehow I still did.

    Another thing t hat has been irritating me is the constant commercial for a psoriasis medication where a male in the commercial takes a tambourine from a street band and starts dancing and banging it like he is Mic Jagger.  For some reason, it drives me nuts.

    Now that Christmas is over, I don't see as many commercials for men's cologne and fragrances.  Some of them made absolutely no sense at all.  Maybe it is just me, but they were awful commercials.  They, too, drove me nuts.

    But the biggest thing driving me nuts right now is my general indifference to things.  My stack of papers on the desk is bigger and I have no desire to go through it.  Same with putting my music on the computer, or picking up Christmas, or picking up anything on the floor.

    I am just tired.

    And sleep will not help, I don't think/

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