Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Covid 7 + 4

 On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

    Oh my gosh. 

    This is the 10th day of Christmas!!!!  

    I still have gifts to open!  They are unwrapped, but not opened.  There is a difference.

    We keep our decorations up until Epiphany, which is fast approaching.  That should be Friday, which is the day Julia and Emily head to Florida ahead of the possible blizzard or record setting high temperature days of early next week.  Pick one. 

    Here's my problem.

    Starting Friday, Christmas decorations start getting put away.  I have 20 something boxes for decorations and lights, and they have to be brought up from t he basement, filled, and taken down to the basement.

    We have a friend who has come over in the past to help take down the Dickens Village and pack that all up.

    Jackie and I have Covid.  

    Having anyone come in the house is not a good idea.  Yet having a 75 year old man crawling around on the floor unplugging little ceramic houses ain't a great idea either!  Getting down will not be a problem, but getting up will be.

    I will. make sure Jackie has a phone to call 911 if I am stuck on the floor with a dog licking my face and hands and unable to push my weakened body upright.

    My initial plan was to ask if there were any teens in the neighborhood who would like to earn some money by carrying full tubs downstairs, but again, I can't ask people to come into the house when we are sickly.


    We went to a medical appointment in Sycamore today . We warned the people that we had Covid, so when they took Jackie back they had masks and gloves on.  We had the n-95 masks and tried not to touch anything with our bare hands.

    My frustration of the day is, again, a technical issue.

    My Epson scanner will not connect to my computer.  The computer is new, and I don't recall using the scanner on. the new computer.

    Julia looked at it and asked if I had the installation disk.

    This is my child asking?

    I can't remember where my glasses are!  How in the hell am I going to remember where I put a disk from 7 years ago?  Oh, yeah.  You are thinking, "Well, Terry, you put them in a folder or holder that says operating disks and store them somewhere where you can find them."

    That's. not how this boy rolls.  I stick discs wherever I feel like it and hope I never need it again.  I also spell disk any  damn way I please, disk, disc, I don't care.

    So, I did some exploring. 

    I need the operating system and the IP address to download a link to upload the computer.

    Son of a b.  Os?  IP?   Like a foreign language.

Peace and Love    

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