Friday, January 12, 2024


 The snow may be done, bring on the cold

    I think the snow is done......although it is still flurrying outside.  Is that a word?  Flurrying?  I wonder.

    It was an uninteresting day.

    I had to snow blow a path in the grass for Beth.  The snow was up to her belly this morning and she could not squat.

    I checked the generator and heating pipes twice, they are clear.  We may get some wind tonight, so I will check them again in the morning.

    I learned I put too much oil in the snowblower, which is why it was spitting out oil.  I took some out and it was fine.  It does misfire, so I. think it may need a new spark plug.  I only use it on the sidewalk and Beth paths on the lawn.

    Johnny D. cane and plowed the driveway.  I have a huge pile at the end of it.  I don't think it will melt until March 15.  

    I spent my day doing crossword puzzles on the computer, reading the paper, and watching a movie or two.  I was in the mood for an Indiana Jones flick, so I watched the Temple of Doom.  We also watched Monk's Last Case.  And Jackie directed me in making cheddar potato soup.

    I know.  I know.  Boring stuff.

    I walked out in the yard and stood by my native garden area.  It was so peaceful, and cold.  Watching the snow come down and not hearing traffic for a few minutes was pretty relaxing.  I did find it hard to walk in the snow, my legs hurt by the time I got back to the house.

    I used to go cross country skiing  and snowshoeing in the park.  I don't remember the last time I did either one.  Today would have been a perfect day too.

    Oh well.

Peace and Love

Kevin, I ate the ChrisEaster cookie!

Thursday I noticed these balls in the yards.  I imaging the wind created them during the night .  It was neat to see so many

Not sure how accurate the gauge is

I have 3 raised gardens.....the 2-2 footers and the 1 footer.  The smaller one seems to have disappeared.

We had a strong wind out of the north last night.

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