Monday, January 1, 2024

Covid 5 + 2

 So far, so good

    Things I have noticed about Covid and me.

    I am tired.  2 hour afternoon naps are the norm.  Plus, I go to bed and actually fall asleep!  Then I/we sleep late, often past 9.

    I am listless.  No desire to do anything. When we get new clothing, I always wash it.  Well, Christmas was 8 days ago and I have not yet washed the shirts or clothes Jackie and I got.  At this rate it will be spring and I will finally be washing long sleeved clothes.

    My muscles hurt.  Yes, I do have muscles.  Well disguised, I might add, but muscles still the same.  When I walk from the den to the bedroom or vice versa I feel like my hamstrings are going to cramp.  They have not done so yet, but they get all tight and throbbing.

    I don't care.  Maybe it goes with the first 2, but I am calling it separate.  I always got up to watch the Rose Bowl parade, and the Rose Bowl.  This year neither interested me in the least, although I did turn on the Rose Bowl game to watch the overtime. Food is the same. Whatever Julia feels like making is fine with me.  

    My sense of smell left, came back, left, and came back again.  It is fine now, has been for a couple of days.  But my sense of taste?  Well. that is a different story.

    After eating something, I get a foul taste in my mouth.  To me, it is a metallic taste.  Jackie has it too.  If we brush our teeth, it comes back.  Drink tea, it comes back.  Eat a peppermint, it comes back.  The taste may stay away for an our or two, but it always comes back.

    It may be affecting my appetite, which could be a good thing.  I have not been eating as much crap as I usually do,  but I seem to have a craving for potato chips for some reason.

    Neither of us have fevers, sore throats, major coughs or anything else that we notice.  Jackie is tolerating the Covid medication, which is good.  Tonight I do have a headache, which I have not had before.  Coincidence?

    I don't feel sick, just out of sorts.

    I do have a couple of meetings this week, but I will not attend.  I feel I am still a spreader and I don't want anyone else to get it.

    That's my story and I am sticking to it.

    Thanks to all of you who have wished us a quick recovery.   

Peace and Love


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