Thursday, January 4, 2024

Covid 8 + 5

 Small victories are still victories

    Dealing with tech issues makes me want to pour a stiff drink.

    I, on my own, figured out how to connect my scanner to the computer!  It took me a while, but I did it.  I think.

    I scanned on document and e mailed it.  But, and here is the big butt, I have to push a lot of buttons to scan something.  I used to be able to push 2 buttons and it would scan.  I seem to go to several different screens before it scans.  Hmmmm.

    I called Sirius XM and negotiated a lower rate for our car radio.  It took a while, but the nice lady named Tessa with the very strong nonEnglish accent put me on a plan that will not change unless there is a general price increase.  

    2 wins..and it only took about 3 hours.

    So I tackled the fourth, our X Finity bill. 

    We have home security and a land line in addition to our internet and cable.  I wanted to eliminate the home security and land line.  After what seemed hours of attempting human contact, I talked to someone named Edna, who sounded a lot like Tessa, and we talked about my bill.

    Going only with internet and cable reduces my bill by $27 a month.  That did not seem to me to be the big savings I anticipated.  We are on a 4 service plan, and changing to a 2 service plan is not a big money saver.

    I know, $27 a month over a year is almost $300, or 15 bottles of good wine, 6 pizza orders, 55 coffees...... but is it enough to make the change?  Something we will be considering.

    We both feel pretty good today, tired, but good.  I do have more sniffles than yesterday.  I have no idea what that means.

    Jackie said we need to make doctor appointments with our primary in the next month or so.

    Every time we see a doctor they go over a series of questions.  Do you feel safe in your home?  Have you gained or lost weight? Have you fallen within the past 12 months?  Are you feeling depressed or sad?

    I always answer yes to the depressed or sad questions.  Truth is, I do feel sad a lot.  And depressed.  So I do take a medication for that.

    But I usually always answer no to have I fallen.

    Until the next visit.

    I will have to say yes.

    Yup, fell up the stairs carrying why train ornament box.

    Yup, fell down the back steps in the garage because my shoe was not on all the way.

    Yup, fell over a tube in the basement and landed on some boxes.

    I think it is carelessness, not a physical thing.  I don't hurt any part of my body, except for the big black and blue mark I had from falling on my train ornament box. And I generally am not too sore. (And no, human Beth...the ornaments were not flattened by my fall.)

    The falls are a wake up to me that I have to put my shoes completely on, tie them, and watch where I walk.

    I just hope when winter finally arrives the ice and snow won't add to my yes answers.

Peace and Love

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