Friday, January 26, 2024

uh huh

 I get very confused about life

    Why do people drive in foggy conditions with their headlights off?  They do it in rain too.  It's a safety thing, people!

    Tonight I was on my way into town and almost ran into a car that did not have taillights!  Brake lights worked, but no taillights.  I made sure I stayed a ways back.  I could see their headlights, but not the taillights.  

    Yesterday I said Phinias for my fog entry.  The main character in Around the World in 80 Days was Phinias Fogg.  Sometimes even I don't know why I write the things I do.  Of course, there is the large possibility his name was not that and I was hallucinating.

    We had carry out tonight.

    Went to Alfano's and the cheerful young girl greeted me, was upbeat,  happy, gave me my order, and wished me a good night.

    I went to a second place and I swear, the girl seemed like it was a bother to take my order.  She looked really unhappy to be there and working.  

    It was a contrast in customer relations.

    Emily and Julia gave Jackie and me some swag from DisneyWorld.  Cool shirts and a sweatshirt, plus some mugs and a duck bill whistle.  The whistle scares Beth and irritates everyone else.

    My attic exhaust fan has been running since Monday.  It is temperature controlled and I know it was not 100 degrees in the attic.

    Electrician came to look at at and said all the control needed was cleaning.  Seems to be working fine now.

    But the garage door opener isn't.  Sometimes it opens, sometimes it doesn't.  Emily was over and we attempted to reset the key pad, but it will not reset.  I think the key pad is bad.  And yes, we replaced the battery. 

    At least we are helping the economy by putting tradespeople to work.

    Tomorrow.....the sink from hell nightmare may be over.  Actually, it is not a nightmare or a sink from hell.  it's a small sink.  Too small.  Picked it out myself.

    But for a month now I have been going back and forth on what to do.  I can't make a decision.  So the girls decided for me.

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love


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