Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I'm game

 I have been thinking about games lately

    Not the common, standard everyday ones.  New ones.  Exiting ones.

    Like Take a Chance.   In this game you pick a character and attempt to make your way through a city.  You spin a wheel when it is your turn and follow the directions.

    You may get a card that says, "Fall in a pothole and break a leg.  Miss a turn."  Or "Get mugged, go back 3 spaces."  Or "Wearing all black, attempt to cross a busy street in the middle of the block at night."  You have to spin the wheel and it it comes up 3 or 7, you don't make it and automatically lose.

    Other cards would be beneficial, like "Find a parking space close to your destination.  Move ahead 5 spaces."

    One card in the stack of 200 would be, "You have won Powerball.  Collect $500 million and win the game."

    Perhaps Elections would be more your style.  In this game 4 politicians are running for office.  Your candidate will have to raise $10 million to run for Congress, avoid being charged with bribery, explain their way out of being in cahoots with some guy named Epstein, convince voters a giant conspiracy is fixing the election, and survive primaries.  I have not figured out all the rules yet, but they will be different for each candidate.

    Maybe Almost home would be a great game.  You are a traveler heading from some foreign city back home and are in the airport.  Penalties are lost luggage,e misplaced boarding pass, lost passport, delays, and sitting next to a passenger who massages their bare feet.

    Rewards would be complimentary drinks, attractive cabin personnel, a sober pilot, and getting upgraded to business class.

    I also like Dress Poker.  In this simple card game, the loser of the poker hand has to go into the hosts closet and put on an article of clothing.  The game ends when the closet is empty or people are  unable to move.

    The more athletic might like Croquet Dodge Ball.  As the name implies, it is playing dodgeball with croquet balls.  When you get hit, you are really out!

   One game I particularly enjoy is Where is It?  I often play this game in parking lots, looking for my car; in the house, looking for my glasses, car keys, or pants; in the grocery store looking for lima beans; in a doctor's office looking for magazines newer than 1987, (although Covid has cleared some of them out) and in the yard looking for dog doo.

    I admit, these games might not be for everyone.  Or anyone.  

    But when they come out, remember you read it here first.

Peace and Love

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