Thursday, January 25, 2024


 There's a fog upon Rochelle....

    And my friends have lost their wayey.

    They' ll be over soon they said.  Now they've lost themselves instead........

    Sorry, I was channeling George Harrison for a moment.  The fog  caused me to have some moments of memory lapses.

    Like.....where did I put my phone?  What day is it? Did I feed the dog?  Where did I park the car?

    You know, the usual questions I ask myself day after day.  After day.

    I was standing in an office today and the topic of fog came up.  One person was driving north and was concerned about the visibility.  Another person said the fog seemed to lift by IL 64.  The first person said, "That's amazing.  Fog there but not here."

    I immediately channeled Mr. Torres and said, "Fog has to stop and start somewhere otherwise the whole world would be covered in fog at the same time."

    I could tell by the looks on their faces they were impressed by my fantastic knowledge.

    I have to admit, I know few answers to life's questions.

    Like....why does the low pressure warning show up on 3 of my van tires but not the fourth, even though they are all at the same PSI?

    Or why do I always need car gas when the price goes up 15 cents a gallon?

    Why do restaurants  put in plastic ware with take out orders?  They should ask if people want them, not just assume we are eating in our cars.

    And here is one I can't explain.

    The Trib had a story today about a guy who robbed a bank.  He went in  and handed a teller a note that said,"Please give me your money.  Thank you."

    The teller gave him something like $600 and he walked out of the bank.

    Police arrested him less than 2 blocks from the bank.  He was charged with bank robbery.

    He was acquitted because robbery involves a threat. and he made no threat.  So he walked free.

    Three days later he goes into another bank and hands a teller a note that send, "Please give me your money.  I will pay it back later."

    Again, he was arrested near the bank.

    But this time he was charged with theft from a bank.  His attorney seemed to think that this was a more logical charge.  She did not say she would be representing him agin.

    He is either a slow learner or a brilliant crook.  This next court case will decide.

    You know, I joke around a lot.  I know not to go into a bank and when they ask how they can help, not to answer, "Please give me all your money."

    Unless I know the teller really, really well......but I don't think I know any tellers who would laugh.  (It should be spelled laff by the way.)

Peace and Love

Found this in the pantry.....guess we have had it a while.

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