Monday, January 15, 2024

They're late

 It could be a long night t tonight

    Julia and Emily are on their way back from Florida.  Their flight was supposed to land about 6 p.m. Chicago time.  But they did not take off until about 8 from Orlando.  They should arrive around 10 at Midway.

    Then begins the drive home.  I imagine after spending a week in 80 degree weather the car heater will be on high.

    I have warned them about the country roads being in crappy condition. I imagine the interstates and toll roads are in better shape.  I hope so.

    Yesterday they ran into Jim and Karen, friends who once lived in Rochelle. but now live in the Quad Cities.  It was a chance encounter, and those events always amaze me.

    They also spent time with their cousin Lauri and her husband and Ron at Disney World.  Laurie had a conference in Orlando, and when they learned our girls were there they arranged to meet up.

    One time  we were in DisneyWorld and in one of the long lines for a ride.  I think it was the small world one.  Julia and Emily caught up to us and joined us in line, and somebody called Julia's name.

    Turned out to be a family from Flagg Center that Julia once baby sat for.  They had moved away from the Rochelle area but recognized Julia.  It is a small world.

    Julia, Jackie and I were in line to enter a castle in Germany once.  We got to talking to the lady behind us.  She was from Illinois.  We mentioned we were from Illinois and the talk got around to colleges.  The lady said she went to a small school, Julia said she did too and they discovered they both went to Blackburn College!  

    Granted, there was an age difference so they did not attend at the same time, but Blackburn only had about 600 students at the time.  

    Jackie and I were in Juneau, Alaska, at the governor's house when another couple asked me if I knew what kind of flowers were growing there.  We told her we were from Illinois and had no idea.  She said she was from Illinois but now lived in Wisconsin.  She asked us where in Illinois.  We told her Rochelle and she lit up and said she was from Rochelle and did we know Alice R?  

    We said of course, she was the secretary at Tilton School.  Turns out the  couple were close friends of Alice and Mel.

    Finally, Jackie and I and maybe Emily were coming back from the East.  We were on an expressway in New York State and stopped at he Fishkill rest area.  Coming out of the bathroom I passed a lady that looked familiar, so I sat and waited for her to come out.

    When she came out, she came right over to me and said hello.   She said she was in too big a hurry to use the bathroom to stop on her way in. 

    We all went to St. Paul's Episcopal Church in DeKalb.

    I think old Walt was is a small world after all.

Peace and Love

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