Monday, January 8, 2024

mysteries of life

 Well, Christmas is almost put away

    Here is a mystery.

    When I pull the Christmas boxes upstairs, I bring 16 tubs.  

    When I took them down, I had 20 tubs.


    We seem to accumulate Christmas decorations at a higher than normal rate.  

    For instance, the girls got Jackie a globe painted with a Santa and his sleigh scene.  It is really neat and I do like it.  And by globe, I mean one of those old fashioned ones you used to find in classrooms. Tres neat!

    But it is hard to put into a tub.  It's big.

    Years ago one of my students' mothers made me a Santa from a huge gourd.  Again, I love it and it is really neat, but it needs a big tub.

    I have 2 tubs of bags.  Seriously.  If you need a Christmas bag, ask me.

    I have 2 tubs of Christmas boxes.  One tub is filled with Marshall Field boxes, so they will never go out of the house.  The other tub is a wide assortment of sizes and shapes.

    While the bags and boxes don't come up stairs, they have to be stored.

    The most frustrating thing this year is I have 6 lids for plastic tubs.  But the 4 empty tubs I have don't match the lids.  How in the hell does that happen?

    I have one shelving unit devoted to Christmas.  But now it has spilled onto another unit, which means something will be displaced.

    As much as I complain about it, I would not change a thing.  Getting rid of any of the decorations is off the list.  I love them all.  Each one tells a story, and the older I get the more I need to remember those stories.

    I am pretty close to being done.  The tree tomorrow, and my train ornament tree, then a few odds and ends and Christmas 23 will be in the books.


    I made impossible cheeseburger pie for supper tonight.  It turned out pretty darn good!

    Now I am going to make a hot toddy, take the garbage out, let Beth out and listen to the snow coming down.  I think we are going to get a lot of it.

Peace and Love

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