Sunday, January 14, 2024

well, well, well

 I made a list of things to do on a cold day

    We have now had 2 of them and I still have my list.

    It's not that I haven't done anything, just not a lot.

    I have fed the birds.  It was cold out there!  I hope my fine feathered friends appreciate that.

    I have also checked the furnace vent to make sure. it was not covered in snow.  It was not.

    I used the snowblower to clear a path in the snow for Beth.  I have done that three times now and each tme it seem a little cooler.

    None of those were on my list.

    I've watched a couple of football games.  Not on mu list.

    I started replacing Christmas glasses with regular glasses.  I am half done with the task that should take 10 or 15 minutes.

    I started taking down the train tree ornaments.  I have 11 down, with about 60 to go.

    I received a FB comment from a beautiful young female who "wants to know me better."  I am not falling for that trick again. My comments are not that interesting and I don't think communicating with total strangers is a very good idea.

    Beth is not enjoying the weather.  I put a coat on her and she trudges out to the sidewalk, does her business, walks the cleared path in the snow, then comes in to the comfort of home. Sometimes she just likes to go out and sit while watching the world pass by, but she has not done that for two days.  Even she knows it is too cold.

    Things to consider.

    January is almost half over.

    Pitchers and catchers report in about 3 weeks.

     Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day this year.

    It was 15 degrees in Dallas today.

    That bottle of water sitting in my garage has not frozen yet.

    We are almost out of Christmas cookies.

    Julia and Emily come home from Florida tomorrow.  They will go from 80 degree weather to -5 with horrible wind chills.

    It will get into the teens by Wednesday.  There is hope.

Peace and Love

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