Sunday, December 31, 2023

Covid day 4 + 1

 It had to happen

    Jackie tested positive for Covid today.  I am not surprised, considering all the times I have been physically close to her.  Even wearing a mask there is not enough space to stay safe.

    I have regained my sense of smell.  I lost it, it came back,  then it went again and today it is with me.  I could tell last night that it was back when I put Vicks on and could smell it  strongly.

    It's my taste that is off.  I have a terrible taste in my mouth.  Not even chocolate seems to make it go away.  I taste "metally" every time I eat something.  Or drink something. The taste is very, I guess, crappy.

    Jackie is just tired.  She has a cough, but no muscle pain or sore throat or anything.  But she is just tired. So am I.

    I am tired of not getting things done around the house.  I move from one set to another and it wears me out.

     I had forgotten tonight is New Year's. Eve!  

    Usually we get together with friends and play games, eat, and laugh, but this year Jackie an I will spend time watching TV and going to bed fairly early.

    I started this blog as a New Year's resolution.

    I have difficulty finishing things.  I start, then stop.  

    My resolution was to write something everyday, mostly about my life.

    This is actually my 3,595th post!  Seriously, I never thought I would still be doing this!

    And the entries  have had 299,190 views.  Imagine that.  

    Just want to thank all of you who have read about me, commented, laughed, groaned , or just shook your head in amazement.

    You have inspired me.  

    I hope you all have a blessed 2024.......and that the world becomes a lot more peaceful than it is now.

Happy New Year!!!

Peace and Love

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