Thursday, December 21, 2023

Et tu?

 I am not the only person doing silly things

    I admit, lighting an incense cone at 11:16 at night was not a good idea after all.

    Jackie woke up and asked if something was burning.  I told her the incense was.

    Then Julia woke up and asked the same question.  She said it smelled like cigarette smoke and she thought someone was smoking in the house.

    Note to incense after 8 p.m.

    I was at the post office and the woman in front of me was mailing a certified letter.  The clerk punched in the address and said, "Something isn not right with the address.  Is this the right zip code?"

    The woman opened her phone and looked at the listing and said, "That's their phone number."

    I went to Starbucks because Thursdays are half price days in the afternoon.  I ordered a peppermint mocha for me and a small hot chocolate for Jackie, who was freezing in the car.

    They placed the order on the counter and said, "Peppermint mocha for Terry," and this lady went to grab it.

    I told her I thought that was mine.  And it was.  Her name sounded a lot like mine.  We laughed about it.

    Then the hot chocolate came and they said. "Order for Terry" and she grabbed that one!

    We got it sorted out.  She knew me, said I may have had her kids in school, but the name was not familiar.

    Emily took me to the Coronado  in Rockford for a Cirque Christmas show.  It was a bit different from what I expected.  But to be honest, I wasn't sure what I expected in the first place.

    The contortionist made me squirm.  She bent her body into unbelievable positions.  My muscles hurt just watching her.  My favorite act was the man who said nothing.  He gave people in the audience bells and when he pointed at them, they were supposed to ring them.  It was a funny bit and reminded me a lot of MoonIe, who is coming to Rochelle in February.  I plan to go.

    Leaving the theater someone kept pushing me in the back.  I ignored them.  It was a big audience and we were pretty tight leaving.

    When I got into the lobby I turned around and saw Dede and Don from Creston.  He said he kept poking me in the back hoping I would turn around.  It wasn't a rude person after all!

    And I saw Sally and Steve, who were right next to me and I basically missed them. Emily saw them and said they were here and I answered ok.  I guess I did not understand her.

    That's about it.

Peace and Love

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