Tuesday, December 5, 2023

how much?

 Sometimes rumors are hard to believe

    Sometimes those rumors come true.

    Take the baseball player Shohei Ohtani.

    He is a hot demand player in this off season.  He can pitch well and hit well. H did have arm surgery, so he may not be able pitch in 2024, but he will be able to hit.

    The rumor is he is seeking a 10 year $500 million contract. 

    That is $50 million a year.

    If the average teacher makes $50,000 a year, that means in 20 years of teaching that person will make $1 million.  Every year he will make the lifetime earnings of 50 teachers.

    Now, I know I am being simplistic.  Some teachers will make more than that, some less.  But still.....

    What about the fans?  Someone has to pay that salary.

    Let's say a team draws 3 million fans a year. Will they have to pay an extra $20 a ticket to make up for the $50 million.?  Will teams expect more for tv coverage?  Does that mean cable companies would charge more to watch his team on tv?

    Yes, I know team revenue will skyrocket because of advertising, jerseys, hot dog and beer sales  But still.....

    What about society in general?  We have a homeless problem. in every major city, and even in the smaller ones.    $50 million could build 500 $100,000 houses.   I know a house at that price would not be a permanent home.   But still......

    I realize he has a talent, maybe even a special once in a lifetime talent that we may never see in a player again.

    But $500 million?

    Good grief.  If you have young kids, tell them to take up baseball.

Peace and Love

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