Friday, December 29, 2023

Covid Day 2

 Well, this is no fun

    I am isolating, which is hard to do in a house with 3 people!

    Julia keeps her distance because she flies out next week with Emily for some Disney fun in Florida.  So she keeps away from me.  Luckily, she works in the basement and sleeps on the opposite side of the house.

    I try to make sure I am not in the kitchen when she is.  I also wear and mask and wash hands frequently.

    Jackie is another story.  She tested negative again today, while I tested positive again. 

    We both share a cough and are both tired.

    Aside from that, it seems like a bad cold.

    Well, I do have another issue or 2. My hamstrings!  They do mini cramping all day and when I walk, they feel like they are going to knot up big time, but have not done so yet.  I have been drinking Gatorade and water, but even sitting in a chair they throb.  

    I spend my day in the den, either sleeping or playing solitaire.  It is a boring life.  When I sit down to read, I tend to doze off, which is not bad.

    My favorite part of the day is shower time.

    I put a face cloth over my face and let the hot water run on it, then breathe in the moisture.  I keep the shower hot as I can stand and when I get out I feel great.  

    I have had trouble signing into my Disney + account.  Every time, I get the message about a wrong password.

    I check my  list and it clearly states family.....  That has been that way for 3 days.

    Last night Julia was helping and she said check the password again.  I did, and noticed my handwriting has gone downhill because it  was Emily.....  That's because Emily told me a bout the offer.

    But what makes it worse is about 3 months ago I changed it to something totally different,

    Once I used the correct password it was easy-peasy.

    I told Jackie we should start trying to watch a movie around 6 so we have time to figure out how to load it.

    And in the news:  Chicago police recovered a stolen Slim Jim vehicle.  The car, with unique designs and interior features, like a Slim Jim dispenser in the glove box. was stolen in California.  They found it on a trailer at a motel in Hillside.

    What makes it a little scary, is the article said some vehicles with Sirius radios have tracking feature as part of the radio.

    That means if I can't be tracked by my credit cards, I pass, cell phone, or security cameras, my love for Beatles music may give me away.

    Here's to good health.

Peace and Love

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