Saturday, December 9, 2023


Today was my brother's memorial service

    Understand when I say this..  I am not overwhelmed with grief.

    He passed away Oct. 17 and the service was held today.  I have had 7 weeks to mourn him.   So today was not an especially sad day.

    In fact, it was a somewhat joyous day.

    I learned a lot about my brother.  His involvement in Second First Church in Rockford, especially his positive impact on guests who were visiting the church for the first tine.  He would often sit by a visitor, or an elderly person who was alone, so that person did not have to be alone during church.

    As an accountant, he solved a huge budget issue in the church.  He served on committees, was chief usher and a moderator, which is like the president of the church board.

    Several parishioners had positive stories to tell me about him.

    That was a side I never saw, or knew about.

    People he worked with told me about his positive presence in the office, his jokes, his dry wit.

    I gave a little testimony about him, and mentioned he loved to call Jackie and me  in the winter to tell me it was 85 in Florida and --6 in Rochelle.  Afterwards several people came and said they also got the calls, and he loved to rub in the warm temperatures while we were freezing up here.

    What also made it joyful was family time.

    Cousin Bob from Syracuse NY was here, and so was his son Jim from Philadelphia.   Daughter Laurie, husband Ron, and adult children Lexi and Austin came from Ohio.  Number 1 son Jason, his wife Pam, and their son Steven came from Pennsylvania while their daughter Kate flew in from Colorado.  Niece Cindy,  her husband Frankie, and daughter Samantha came from Spring Grove while their other daughter Charlotte drove up from Champaign, where she is finishing her semester.  Sister in law Joan came from Wisconsin and of course the Rochelle Dickows were there.

    It was the first time many of us had seen each other since 2016.

    We told stories, visited, laughed, ate, laughed some more and remembered my brother.

    I think he would have enjoyed the day.  

    Granted, it would have even been better if he were with us, but in a sense he was.  His spirit was with us in the memories, the stories, the laughs, and the love that filled his house.

    Peace and Love

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