Saturday, December 30, 2023

Covid Day 3

 Sometimes my life feels like the movie Ground Hog Day

    Get up, get Jackie into and out of the shower and dressed for the day, eat breakfast, read the Tribune, take a nap....... I don't know how much more of this I can take!

    I did go to Starbucks and got a medicine ball tea.  I went through drive thru with limited human contact.  I also went to Walmart and picked up a nonCovid prescription, but again, I went through drive thru and had no human contact except thru the tv and speaker.

    Thru.  I guess I should use through, shouldn't I?    

    Julia took care of supper and most of the dishes.  

    Jackie and I feel fine, just like we have colds and are tired.  Jackie tested negative for Covid and we will test again tomorrow.  I stay away from her as much as possible, but as her caretaker that is very difficult.

    Julia stays in the lower level as much as possible.  When she was taking care of dinner and dishes I stayed in another room.  I also try to wear a mask when she is around.  

    Speaking of being in a rut, the oldies radio station that we listen to in the house still has the same playlist as they did before Thanksgiving!

    That's when I noticed the 10 o clock hour starts with Werewolves of London and features Elton John, Meatloaf, the Allen Brothers and somebody else before they do a trivia quiz.  Today, they gave the answer first and played the question last!

    That was different.  After the quiz there is a Buffett song, Simon and Garfunkel and others before the hour ends with the Carpenters.

    I imagine it is hard to run a radio station in a small market.  So maybe they have a set playlist on Saturday mornings for expense reasons.  Someday I may listen a little longer to see if they repeat that list every Saturday.

       The frost this morning was beautiful.  I expect we will see some snow tomorrow, but it won't be much.

    Now I'm giving wether reports!!!!

Peace and Love

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