Friday, December 15, 2023

what a buy

Sometimes people make their own luck

    A woman out east bought a weird looking vase at a thrift shop for around $4.  She liked the way it looked and had never seen anything like it.  So she researched it.

    Turns out, the vase was a rare example of some Italian art form.  It sold at auction for a little over $100,000.

    Every so often you read stories of people who buy a picture at a yard sale and discover it is a work by a well known painter and is very valuable.

    I am just the opposite.  I buy things for $15 that are worth $1.

    An example.  I bought stock in a company on the second day of its initial offering.  Within a month it had lost half its value.  

    Granted, I don't have a lot of shares, but the stock was supposed to go up! 

    I take after my father.  Sometime in the 1950s he wanted to buy American Motors Corporation stock.  He saved up some money, went to the broker and  placed his order.  Due to a mix up, he ended up with General Motors stock.  He went back to the broker, said that was not right, and traded the GM stock for the AMC stock.  Within a year AMC went belly up and GM bloomed.  If pops had held on to his mistake, I might be a multi millionaire now.

    Or not.

    I always think I am going to find a valuable  painting at a garage sale.  But that will never happen because I stopped going to garage sales.  Besides, I would not recognize a valuable painting if it hit me in the face.

    But I can always dream.

Peace and Love

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