Thursday, December 28, 2023

double snap

 It had to happen, didn't it?

    After successfully avoiding Covid for what seems half a life time, I failed.

    I have had a cold for a couple of days.  Started Christmas Eve., with a cough and sniffles.  Then morphed into a sore throat with a cough and sneezing.

    I took some over the counter meds and that seemed to lessen the symptoms.  I also liberally applied Vicks Vaporub to my chest.  At night I would pull my t shirt up over my nose that the vapors would clear up mu sinuses for a few minutes.

    I always have trouble sleeping, and this did not make it any easier.

    I went to the store yesterday, wearing a mask so as not to spread my cold, and bought some more Vaporub.

    When I went to bed last night I opened it and noticed that had altered the formula so it did not smell.  I thought that was strange.  

    I went to bed, pulled my shirt up, and of the Covid symptoms is loss of smell.  

    So I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and took a few things off the shelf.  No smell to the soap.  No smell to the rubbing alcohol.


    I went to the kitchen and opened the paprika and took a whiff.....nothing.

    This morning I took a Covid test and it came back positive.

    I have notified everyone I have come in contact   with since Christmas.  No one seems to be showing any signs of sickness.  I did my best to avoid physical contact or close proximity to people, but I know that was not always happening.

    I just hope no one else gets it.

    So far it has not been terrible.  I am tired, listless, my muscles are sore.  It is 3:15 and I just made the bed.  I have not showered yet, which is next on my list of tasks.

    I just hope Jackie does not catch it.  She tested negative this morning and will test again tomorrow, but I am always in close contact with her.  I am wearing a mask in the house.

    We had friends coming over today but cancelled.  We cancelled the cleaning lady.  We cancelled the friends from New York.  Yes, I am now a member of the cancel culture.

    I have contacted my doctor.  I have slept, rested, and smelled nothing.

    Luckily, I could still taste the cinnamon rolls left over from Christmas.  But after I eat anything, I have a metallic after taste.  Wonder if wine would take care of that?

    I just hope mum symptoms don't worsen.  I also hope I don't spread this to Julia and Jackie, especially since Julia has travel plans in about 10 days, or to anyone else I have been near.

    Hell of a way to end the year.

Peace and Love

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