Friday, December 22, 2023

into the breach

 I am going on a dangerous mission tomorrow

    I have a grocery list with last minute items to procure.  I have 3 stops in Rockford, and I hope the crowds are not crazy.

    And I  mean crazy, like yelling and screaming at each other.  Or cutting into lines.  Or buying the last item that I really, really, wanted to buy.

    It will be a challenge.

    I read a story the other day about a guy who runs a web site that has an anti-Biden slant.  He is not on the Trump campaign staff, but he might as well be.

    In the article he was quoted as saying, "It doesn't have to be just has to go viral."

    Honestly, that scares t he shit out of me!

    I think that is why so many seniors fall for on line scams.  They see it on t he internet and assume it is valid.  But no one polices the web.  No organization monitors the content for truth or falsehoods.  It is a media source run amok with unproven statements.

    I promise you I will never tell a lie in this blog.  I have over 16 million followers, and they all say this is the best blog they have ever seen.

    Ok, you caught me.

    Tell me:  What is the obsession with celebrities.?  

    I really don't care who Taylor Swift is dating, what outfit a Kardashian wore to the store, or why super model Tyra Banks is dating a older blogger from Rochelle.

    I think it is a shame that photographers follow these people everywhere, hoping to get pictures of them doing something stupid, or their children, or their house, or family, or them hugging a slightly portly 75 year old married man in Rochelle.

    I had the weirdest dream last night.  it was vivid, and lifelike.  (Hell, where is the segue?)

    When I woke I looked at Jackie and told her we were adopting a 10 year old from France, or possibly Havana, because she was an orphan and had grown attached to me.

    I don't remember her name, which is no surprise because I can't remember real people's names, but she had short black hair and huge dark eyes.

    Sometimes I wonder if I lived a different life in years past and my dreams are reflecting that.  Other times I think it is the writer in me trying to break out with a story.  Or it may have been supper.

    Either way, if you see me with a 10 year old who can't speak English, wake me up.

Peace and Love

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