Sunday, December 3, 2023

who he?

I put our our manger scene today 

    Our scene has a couple of camels, a sheep, a baby in a box, and a bunch of people.

    I arrange them as I see them.

    But Jackie?  Well, she is a little more detail oriented.

    I have no idea who the wise men are and who the shepherds are.  So I just put porcelain bodies wherever they seem to fit.

    She looks at it and then directs me to move them either left, right, behind, in front or somewhere else.

    I tell her it does not matter.  She says it does.

    Meanwhile, my aching knees are on the ground as I move people around, sort of like on a chess board.  But without squares.

    So, if you stop in during the holidays, please pay close attention to the manger.  And volunteer to move people  to save my knees.

    I started putting up garland on the railings, but could not find my bag of bungee cords.  I always put them in the garland box, except when I don't.  Th cords hold the garland in place.

    So with the garland spread out on the porch, I gave up.

    Julia came home and I mentioned it to her and she knew exactly where I had put the cords.  Now I don't have an excuse. 

    It is one of 6 things on my to do list for tomorrow.

    We'll see how that goes!

Peace and Love

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