Friday, December 1, 2023


 I am chilled to the bone tonight

    Not to be confused with Bad to the Bone, that classic rock song from way back when.

    But cold.

    I walked with the Rochelle Area Community Foundation people in the Christmas Parade.  It was a bit damp, and cold, and I was woefully underdressed.


    I parked downtown and walked to where the parade units were assembling, but there was no one there.

    I asked someone if the parade had been cancelled, and they said no.

    In previous years the kick off was at Sixth Street and Lincoln Avenue.  Or is it highway?  After 50 years here I am still confused.  

    Moot point.  They assembly point was Main Street and Eighth Avenue.  And yes, that was sent to me in an e-mail but I often don't real the whole e-mail.

    I wandered up there, met the group, tried to have adult conversations, which is really hard for me for some reason, especially with people who are not close friends, and then passed out candy along the parade route.

    I tend to fall behind the rest of the people because I stopped to talk to Renee and Wendy, then Joe and his family,  and a couple of other people.  So when I got to the end point, the truck and trailer were long gone.

    Luckily I was parked downtown, so I was close to the car.

    I stopped at the museum and stood by the fire as about 300 people filed through to visit Santa and Mrs. Claus.  I realized at the end I was damn cold, so I am settled down with a cup of hot chocolate.  The only thing missing is Rum Chata.

    Despite the drizzle that fell most of the day, and the 34 degree temps, it was not a bad night.  The rain stopped, the wind blew, and the season officially kicked off.

Peace and L

 Ok, so why do I look like Quasimodo??

When I came back from Emily's surgery, we got stopped on 90 because of an accident.  The guy in the red car had quite an interesting load.  I think it is a rowing scull?  Or a very long canoe.

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