Saturday, December 23, 2023

Home again

 I made it shopping today

    By  jove. I say, it was pretty foggy out there.  I saw two mishaps where the bonnets of  the carriages were smushed.  When I got to the mall, I made a quick trip to the loo, l then joined the queue for the lift.

    Oops...the fog put me in a British frame of mind.

    Actually, when we were in England this year I don't remember any fog.  But it was crazy out there today.

    How crazy was it?

    There were people who were not senior citizens walking around the mall!

    There was a  1 gift request express lane at Santa's workshop.

    I almost missed the turn on the way home because I could not see the road.

    The grocery store did not have long lines at the staffed checkouts, but the self checks did!

    Schnucks in Rockford ran out of egg nog.

    Woodman's did not have chives, which pointed me to Schnucks.  Luckily I bought egg not at Woodman's.  And Schnucks had chives.

    I said Joyous Noel to a girl I thought spoke French.  Either she doesn't or I don't.  Ok, I don't.

    A lady grabbed my arm and said she loved my Goofy hat.  

    4 people said they loved my Goofy had and 2 said they loved my Beatles t-shirt.  But only the one grabbed me.  Was that harassment?

    I saw a two car crash at Perryville and State and another 2 or 3 car crash on State near Target.  That is 3 crashes in 3 omen?

    Tomorrow is wrapping day for me.  I only have 4,185 gifts to wrap.  I bought 26 rolls of tape because I plan to use post it notes for wrapping paper and I will have to tape part of them down.

    Hopefully tomorrow night, after church, I can sit and watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and have a sip of eggnog.   After I wrap presents.  And bake shortbread.  And vacuum.  And watch the Bears.  And do some laundry. And......on and on and on.

    Peace and Love

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