Wednesday, December 27, 2023

menu dèjá vu

 Me thinks it's time to move on

    I have reheated Christmas dinner three days now, and I am tired of it.

    Sure there is beef and ham left, as well as potatoes of several varieties and other odds and ends.

    But......and there is a big butt in this and it is mine........I can't eat it anymore.

    The meat is going in the freezer and the other stuff will be eaten or tossed tomorrow.  If we hold it longer than tomorrow, it may be tossed in another way.

    I went to Walmart today and wore a mask.  I have a cold and I don't want to spread it.  Longtime friend Chris actually recognized me, which amazes me because I can't recognize people without masks!  

    What else is new.....let's see.

    I wonder when the last December was when we did not have a measurable amount of snow.  I think Jackie said Tom Skilling mentioned 2002, but that may be my faulty hearing or lack of remembering details.

    My grill is still out on the deck.  I do need to get it in soon.  I like it in the garage because then I can go out and grill during the winter, if winter ever comes.

    My sleep patterns are awful.  Last night I went to bed at 11, heard the cuckoo at 12, was up at 1:30 and agin at 2, then again at 4, after. which I slept soundly until the alarm went off at 8:30.  

Why do I get up?

    Well, I have had a lot of tea with honey.  And honey is not a code name for my wife but for the delicious nectar produced by bees.  

    And my feet are itching.  Again.  They are fine when I go to bed, but about an hour later they start to itch.  So I put lotion on them.  

    Then I have to pee again.

    Why my body does not allow me to do all these things at once I do not know.

    I realize I may be sleeping in between.  Or napping.   Maybe my nights are really a series of 1-2 hour naps.  

    Whatever, it is frustrating.

    I go to bed tired.  I just can't always fall asleep.  And when I finally do fall asleep, my body tells me to get up for something.

    I always hope the next night will be different.  But it never is.

    Maybe tonight.

    And Camryn and a friend stopped by for a visit tonight.  We had a great chat but I eventually told them they had to go.  For us old folks it was getting late and the colds are taking a atoll on us. We are all really tired.

Peace and Love

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