Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Oh really!

 Today is a good day to reevaluate Christmas

    And by that, I mean examining the financial benefits of gift giving.

    Remember the Beanie Babies craze?  We gave those little things to everyone; birthdays, Christmas, whenever the spirits moved us.

    Well, check the ones you have.  

    I read an article that said the Princess Diana Beanie Baby could sell for $22,000!  Of course, it has to be a special baby...one manufactured early and with a different filling than the later ones.

    I don't remember Lefty, the Donkey Beanie Baby but it is selling for an estimated.....hold onto your beanies, baby.....$500,000.  Oh my gosh.

    We had a whole collection of Disney video cassettes.  I believe Julia took them with her to Switzerland and when VCRs became a thing of the past, they were tossed.  Or maybe  we tossed them back in the states.  It doesn't matter who tossed them, I guess.

    But the Beauty and the Beast one is selling for $14,000 and the Fox and the Hound for $1,500.

    I love the Beatles.  I had lots of Beatles on vinyl until I did not have a record player.  So I sold a bunch of them for $60, including St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.   A copy of that album recently sold for $200,000!  But I am not upset, because that one had autographs from all 4 of the boys while mine had none.

    Jackie and I had Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are for both kids.  We loved reading that book to them.   A first edition of that could bring you $20,000.  Even if we had a first edition, I bet there would be too many bent pages, slobber marks, and other imperfections that would lower its value.

    That old Apple 1 computer system you may have had sitting in your basement for 1000 years could bring you $200,000....which is not a bad return.

    The article listed dozens of other items that were now valuable. Items we all probably had in our hands and one time and tossed.

    I might haver been a millionaire several times over if I had saved those comic books and not used baseball cards in my spokes to create noise.

    That's life. 

    Meanwhile, I am going to check out Emily's Beanie Baby collection.  We still have most of it in the basement, but like my lottery tickets, I am sure we don't have any winners.

    Peace and Love

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