Sunday, December 17, 2023


 Today was quite the day!

    We watched the heart breaking, frustrating, angering, totally unbelievable loss in the Bears-Browns game.

    I can't believe Mooney did not hold on to the ball at the end.  It was almost a spectacular finish.

    The game actually was the secondary action in the house.

    Camryn and Sam came over to decorate sugar cookies.  Julia mixed the frosting and the two girls did the bulk of the decorating, although we adults also decorated one or two.

    Following the cookie decorating, we made about a million pot stickers!  Julia blended the meats, tKevin, Jen, Sam, Camryn and I helped fold them.  To be truthful, I only did a few because mine were so bad!

    Meanwhile, Julia whipped up some stir fry noodles and chicken and some stir fry noodles and beef. 

    When all was done, I did the clean up, which was not too bad considering all that was done.

    Yes, we used child labor!

    But we sent Sam and Camryn home with some neat cookies and yummy pot stickers.

    Julia gave me another lesson in loading cds onto th computer.  This time I did not take notes but watched her, then did it myself.  I think I have it down now.

    We'll see tomorrow. 

Peace a d Love

The adults supervised cookie decorating in their own way

A ChrEaster cookie....Christmas tree with an Easter egg

Chicago Bears and blue

Camryn had some great creations!

Jackie did not make pot stickers.......

Taking a well deserved rest

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