Wednesday, December 13, 2023

tis the season

 We went to a Christmas party tonight

    I can't remember the last time we went to a holiday party.  I think it was before Covid.  The party gave me a chance to wear my nutcracker sweatshirt.  Jackie and I had a nice time, although I did my usual thing and did not mingle even though I knew everyone.  I had a hard time hearing.  The hearing aids pick up all the sound, so even. though I can hear the person across from me better, I also hear the background chatter better too.  I think that makes me withdraw a little.

    Oh...the sweatshirt!

    I don't get a chance to wear this very often....and there is a story behind it.

    I love nutcrackers.  I have maybe 40 of them, but to be honest, I have never counted them!  Several of them were made in West Germany, and are stamped that way on the bottom.

    I also have some nutcracker ornaments, you might see a couple of them on the tree.

    But the sweatshirt.......

    When I was teaching, Carol Gingerich was an aide in my room.  One year she gave me this as a present.
Now I don't know if the figures are embodied or stitched or sewn, because I don't know the difference.

    I have been retired for 15 years.  I know she gifted this to me years before I retired.  So its age is unknown to me.

    But every time I put it on I think of Carol and her generosity.

    I have not seen her for a while and am not even sure if they still live in town.  Funny how retirement takes you out of social loops.

    On the topic of Christmas, I opened my front door to this today.

    A couple of more boxes and poor Beth would have been stuck inside!

    In one of the boxes is a treasure......frozen pizza from Pequod in Chicago.  I can't wait to pop it in the oven.

    I lost a get well card I was going to mail.  I looked around the house and found several piles of papers and mail that have accumulated.  I am drowning in paper!  Someone throw me a life jacket, please!!

    But I could not find the card.  Then I remembered I put it in the mailbox already.

    At least I did not totally lose the card....just put it where I didn't remember.

    Frequent complaint these days.

Peace and Love

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