Tuesday, December 12, 2023

damn it, again

 Went to the store for 2 things

    Bought a whole bunch of stuff.  Jackie looks at me and says, "Where's the ...........?"

    Damn it!  I had 2 things to get and forgot one of them.  But I bought a lot of other stuff.  It's my fault.  I should have written it down or put it on my phone.  Oh well, back tomorrow.

    On this date in 1969 we had an apartment on IL 38 in Rochelle, right across from a convenience store.  At 9:30, I picked up my keys and wallet an d headed for the door.

    "Where are you going?"  John asked.

    "Uh....we need milk. And bread."  

    "The store is across the street.  You don't need car keys.  Sit down!" 

    I obeyed John's command.

    It might have been pre wedding jitters, or even outright fear on my part.  The next day Jackie and I were to be married in St,. Pau's Church in DeKalb.

    Obviously I did stick around.  If John had not been there, I don't think I would have run like hell.  But who knows?

    We were young and dumb.  But we stuck it out, and we're still here.  Growing older by the day.

    Our friend Chuck took wedding pictures and we had a small reception in the church undercroft following the service.  (We Episcopalians don't have basements....undercrofts are what we call them.  I remember a priest telling me every time he typed that, auto correct changed it to anti-aircraft.)

    In today's news:   I was driving home and Julia texted me.  We have the voice text option, so when I played the text is said to bring home some q tips.

    I knew that was wrong because we had talked about those little mandarin oranges....Cuties.

    So I voice texted her back:  I am on my way home.  I have Cuties..

    Julia's message read:  I am on the way home.  I have cooties.

    Somehow I don't think AI will take over the world.

    Parents, if you want your kids to be rich, have them play ball.  $700 million for 10 years.  I don't know whether to be astounded or disgusted.

Peace and Love

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