Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 I hate electronics

    I am so frustrated right now.

    We tried to watch a movie.  I plugged the DVD in the player and we hit the source button.  But the screen said no disc.  I did it again.  No disc.

    We have a Disney channel membership.  I tried that.  I have no idea if I have Disney or Disney+.  It is bundled with Hulu, and I honestly don't remember the monthly charge we have been paying.

    In any case,. we could not access the movie on Disney+.  My password was invalid.  So we went back to using the blu ray player but again, the message was no disc.

    So, after 20 minutes, neither one of us were in the mood for a movie but we both would like to take technology and toss it.

    I get so  tired of asking Julia how to do things.  I am sure she gets tired of explaining the same stuff over and over and over.

    How many times do I need to be shown how to use the blu ray player?  Apparently more than 4 times, because that is what we are up to now.  And what happens when she is not living with us anymore?  I dread the thought.

    I don't think I am a dumb person.  But I sure feel that way when I deal with any technology.  And it is so darn frustrating.  

    I cleaned my kitchen cabinets today.  Jackie said they were dirty and I did not disagree.  So I spent some time waxing and polishing them.   Hopefully when the sun shines on them they will look fine.

    I also spent about 20 minutes outside in the freezing cold picking up dog doo and filling the bird feeders.  And no, I did not put the dog doo in the bird feeders.

    Long ago, when we had our first dog, one of our girls was out in the back yard snow.  I looked at her just in time to tell her that was NOT a Tootsie Roll!  It was a close call.

    In my Facebook memories, 1year ago  today I noted we were looking at the possibility of a snowstorm dumping 12-18 inches on us!  And 11 years ago, my memory was for 8 inches of snow.  I don't even think snow is in the forecast for us until next year.

    Finally,  I think the people at Headon's are going to start blocking my calls.


    I ordered a roast.

    Jackie said it was too big so I called and changed the order to a smaller one.  Which was good, because I forgot what kind of roast I ordered.

    The smaller one is too small, so I called again to change it to a bigger roast but not as big as I first ordered.

    Could not remember what day I ordered it for, so called again to check on the date.

    Plus I stopped in to confirm the first change in size order.

    I am not calling again.  It is what it is.

Peace and Love

We watched the North Central game the other night.....what a heartbreaking loss.  But we were excited to see our friend James making an impact.

Finally got my train ornament tree up.  Jackie helped me get them all out of the boxes and hung.  I can't find the angel.

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