Monday, December 25, 2023

It's done

 Well, that Christmas went well

    It also went pretty fast.

    Seems like just yesterday we were putting up decorations, waiting for the cold, wintry days and nights.

    No such weather this year.

    Only 7 times in the last 100 years have we had a + 50 degree day on Christmas.  At least, that is what I think tom Skilling on Channel 9 said.

    We had a nice day.  We spoke with our nephew and his family in Switzerland, Jackie's brother and sister in law in Florida, and Joan daughter and family in Jamaica.  

    Family and friends, that is what the holiday is all about.

    I hope your day was a memorable one.

    I am pretty tired.....and battling a cold.  So, that is all for tonight.

Peace and Love

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