Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 Sometimes my delays are good

    We had toe appointments today in Sycamore.

    My goal was to leave the house at 12 noon.  But we didn't.  I had to put on my shoes, turn the car around, brush my it was a few minutes after 12.

    I go 38 to Malta Road, then Malta Road north to IL 54, and 64 across to Sycamore.  I avoid a lot of traffic that way.

    As we were driving east on 64, we were slowed by a car on the side of the road.  Then we saw a car sitting in the middle of our lane, front end crushed.  Another car was is front of it about 25 feet with its back end crushed.

    No police were on. the scene.  I went around the car in the road, thinking they broke down but then I saw the front end.

    Two other cars had stopped to help, so I didn't.  I think I should have, but I honestly don't know what I would do besides faint if there is blood.

    All the people in the cars looked to be out and walking.  One man was sitting in his car, but he seemed to be on the phone.

    3 DeKalb sheriff's cars eventually passed us, followed by a Sycamore ambulance.

    That could have been us.  Whatever the cause, I could have been either driver, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Maybe the first car was turning and the second driver was distracted.  Or maybe the first car came to a sudden stop and the second car rammed him.  Hard to tell.

    Jackie gets a little nervous when I drive because I don't always pay attention to the road.  This was a good reminder to focus on driving.

    By the way, my toes feel great!

Peace and Love

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