Saturday, December 16, 2023

dreary days

 Today was a real bummer

    Julia left about 9.  I herd the cuckoo nine times, but stayed in bed for a minute or two.  

    Beth joined us, nestling between our legs.

    The next cuckoo I heard was 11!  Holy cripe!

    Anyway, I was not dressed and ready to take on Saturday until a little after 1.  That made for a very short day.

    Luckily, I did not have a lot to do.  Filled the bird feeders and played with the dog and that was about it.

    I was going to put some CDs on my computer.  Julia has shown me how to do that twice, and Emily once.  At all  times I have made notes.

    But my notes make no sense, so I never got that done.

    Julia is going to walk me through the process again tomorrow.  And yes, I did Google how to do it, but it just does not make sense to me.

    Meanwhile, the outside is gray and coolish.  Not cold enough for snow or ice, but cool.  I did not see the sun all day.

    I would not call it a totally wasted day.  Did a couple of very small jobs, but nothing significant, just things crossed off my list.  And Jackie's list.

    Hopefully I get up early tomorrow.  Or at least earlier.

Peace and Love

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