Sunday, December 10, 2023

Code Red

I had a rather to supper today 

    I made a small roast.  The directions said cook until internal temp is 150 degrees, then let it stand and set.  The meat should be pink and tender,.

Well, somehow I misread the thermometer and the meat got to 165.  It was not pink when we cut it, but it was juicy.

    I also mashed some potatoes.  Skin on.  The were not bad, but were a problem.

    As I took the foil off the roast, I accidentally put the foil next to the pot of boiling potatoes.

    I did not know aluminum foil burned.  Trust me, it does.

    I got it into the sink and put water on it.  No damage, except to the foil, but it did smell.

    My next challenge was to take some old brat buns we had in the freezer and make garlic toast.  I buttered the buns, put garlic and parmesan cheese on the, set them in the oven under the broiler and set the timer for 2 minutes.

    About a minute later Julia walks into the kitchen and calmly says, "Something's on fire in the oven."

    I blew these out and put them outside because they were really smoking!

    I did try again, but only for 1 minute.  They still burned, but there were no flames.  Maybe I should have lowered the rack

    We froze some ears of corn.  I nuked two of them and they were really mushy.  Maybe I nuked them too long, or maybe whole ears of corn don't freeze well.

    There you have it.  Overdone roast, toasted bread, mushy corn and mashed potatoes.  A feast fit for a king, if King was a dog.

    No one complained.  So I guess it was ok.

    Then we made two batches of cookie dough.

    2 weeks ago Jackie asked me if we needed flour.  I checked and we had a full bag on the shelf. After I emptied th flour container tonight, I grabbed the bag off the shelf.  It was bread flour.  So at 9 I made a Walmart run for four.  I could have asked Emily, but we are trying to not bother her.  Me going over at 9 with 11 barking dogs would have been a bother.

    I think you could say this was not one of my finest hours in the kitchen.

    At least I did not burn the house down.

Peace and Love

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