Saturday, December 2, 2023

dear friend

I do a dreaded Christmas letter 

    Actually, I do 2.  One is real, the other fake.

    I have been doing this since Julia went to Switzerland, maybe the year or 2 before.  I sure wish I had kept the first couple because I think they were my best.

    If I remember, one friend opened the card, saw the letter, and put the letter aside.  His daughter picked up the letter and was laughing and telling her dad that he had to read it.

    Since then I have changed computers.  And I did not save a hard copy of it.  C'est la vie.

    I actually love getting Christmas letters.  I know!  A lot of people dread them, but I think it is great to read what has happened to people and families over the years.

    And the creativity people show! Friend Beth always comes up with something unique and fun.  I know we get others who exercise creative juices in the use of pictures and stuff.  ...letters written by dogs, or cats, or little children.....they are all fun to read.

     I save them until the middle of January when I read them again.  That way I can think about them a little more than I can during the pre Christmas confusion.

    I know Christmas can be a difficult time for a lot of people, for many reasons.  It is not merry for everyone.  I wish it was.

     I hope my little attempt at humor helps brighten  a holiday.  

    That's it.

Peace and Love

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