Saturday, November 18, 2023


 I can't believe the day is almost over

    Granddaughter Camryn came over for a visit.  She had seen Emily for covid and flu shots and said she wanted to stop over.  Emily texted me to "put on pants" because Camryn was on her way.

    Funny thing.  I did not have pants on!

    But by the time she arrived, I was fully dressed.

    Jackie was another matter.

    I eventually got her dressed and we all had a great visit, catching up on how life was going.

    She went with to let out the dogs at Emily's and got to meet Mimi, Emily's totally adorable foster dog who needs a caring home.  Contact Emily if you think you may be interested.

    The two of us went into my back  yard to look at my brick puzzle.  She's an artistic type person and can see shapes better.  We moved a few stones around.  Then Julia showed up and we moved a few more stones around.

    Were we successful?

    I'll let you decide when. I post pictures tomorrow.  Hopefully.

    Actually, Camryn came a little after 11:30, maybe closer to 12.  Hare to be ready for the day when you don't get out of bed until 10.

    And I am still tired.

Peace and Love

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