Wednesday, November 8, 2023

no laughs

 I am in a somber mood tonight

    A long time friend passed away last night.

    Frank, his bother John, and I grew up in the same neighborhood.

    I guess I was about 5th grade, maybe earlier, that we all became friends.  Through the years, John and I became closer.  But Frank was always there.

    He was a gentle person, who loved everyone.  They were all a close Italian family.  I spent a lot of my formative years at their house, and I can't even begin to count the number of softball games we played in their alley.  It was a lot.

    He had a beautiful red Chevy convert, with a license plate that aid summer 65, because that was when he met his wife, Barb .  I think the Chevy was a 65, but now I am not sure.  He brought it out to Rochelle for the Heritage Festival car show a couple of times, and everyone would come out to our house for a cook out afterwards.

    He, Barb, and John came out to visit this summer, and we had a great time talking about the "good old days."

    That old adage,:you never know when the last time you do something is.  How true.

    This has not been a good year for me, emotionally.

    My brother Carl, Rick from Church, Frank, and Jimmy Buffett....all gone.  

    Granted, I did not know Jimmy, but I loved his music and his outlook on life.  It was almost like I did know him. It's strange that I felt so bad about his death.  

    But time marches on.  We all come to the same end, don't we?

    And even though I know that, it is still hard to accept.

Peace and Love

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