Friday, November 24, 2023

I think I can, I think I can

 I felt like the Little Engine  That Could today

    You know. the children's book....the little engine makes it up the hill because it thinks it can.

    Well, I felt like the little engine today.


    Well, each of these boxes was in the basement this morning.

And so were these. 

    I did not take pictures of the 2 boxes on the porch.  Nor did I t take pictures of all the standing things, like sleds, or hanging things, that had to come up.

    I am not sure how many boxes total there were, somewhere in the 100s I think.

    The ones on the porch were a mistake.  I did not plan to bring up the garland, but I brought it up. I was  thinking it was something else.  As long as it is up, I might as well hang it.  Maybe tomorrow.

    I hope to get Julia to help me bring up the tree.  She left after work today to meet her cousin and her daughters.  I think she planned it knowing that today was bring up the boxes day.

    Actually, I feel kind of good about it.

    Thanksgiving is put away, Christmas is getting spread around.   I even burned an incense cone in one of my little log cabins.

    I always think life would be easier if all this stuff was stored I the garage.  No steps, no hauling up and down.  I could even put boxes on a wagon and bring them into the house that way.  

    It does get hot during the summer, but there is noting in the boxes that would be hurt by the heat.  I just would not put candles out there.

    Something to think about, although when I once suggested it someone said no.  Maybe it's time to reconsider.

    Hope you had a great Black Friday.......but I really think this is being carried too far.

    Black Friday football?  Give me a break.

    Speaking of breaks, I took my time today.  I stopped frequently, played with Beth, had lunch, and did not put too much stain on this old body.

    But tomorrow I may be sining a different song..

Peace and Love  

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