Thursday, November 9, 2023

soupy sales

 I always like it when Jackie gets her hair done


    Glad you asked.

    Right across the street from the salon is Acres Bistro.  (Add another o and you get saloon, not the same type of establishment.)

    It takes about an hour for her to get her hair colored.  During that time, I take my e reader and go across to  Acres for a coffee and usually some cookies.  I don't eat all of the cookies at one time and always bring half home.

    Well, Acres has squash soup on their fall menu.  An d no, ii is not splattered on the actual menu, but it is an item they are serving.

    Nobody in my family is adventurous enough to enjoy anything other than chicken noodle or vegetable soup.   So when I have he chance to experience a new soup, I try it. Usually.

    So I had coffee, a huge bowl of squash soup, and warm apple tart for dessert.

    It was great!

    We were visiting friends of Julia's once in Switzerland and Yvonne made pumpkin soup.  It was awesome!  Maybe it is the same as squash soup, I am not sure, but I still smile when I think of that soup.

    Today's was just as good.

    I also had carrot soup in Switzerland a long time ago.  I loved that.

    We had a VCCT progressive dinner years ago and I made about a gallon of carrot soup for our stop on the dinner route.  I think I ended up with about a gallon less 1 cup left.  I froze it, and all winter I would thaw some soup and enjoy it again.

    Today, on my way back to the salon, I ran into one of my former cohorts at Tilton.  Gwen and I spent about 15 minutes catching up on each others lives and laughing.  I don't think I have seen her in a couple of years, which is strange since Rochelle is not a big town and everyone goes to Walmart at some point.

    Well, if you are looking for some great soup, and a delicious apple tart, check out the good people at Acres Bistro!

Peace and Love

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