Friday, November 10, 2023

oh my gosh!

 Last night I had quite the experience

    Dog Beth is black.  She can't be seen in the dark.

    So Julia bought a collar that lights up.  It has options of a steady red light or a flashing red light.  That way we can see her in the dark.

    I take a flashlight with me when she goes out for the last time, usually around 9:30.  I can shine it on her when I get curious about what she is doing.

    Last night she was out sniffing around.  Sniffing, sniffing, sniffing.  She was over by the driveway and I was on the porch, hoping she would do her thing and come inside where it was warm.

    Suddenly, she takes off like a flash!  Across the front yard like a mad man.  Or dog.

    I thought, and this is where I get a little uncertain, I thought there was a deer in the yard next to us.  But I am not sure.  Could have been a. rabbit or whatever.

    But Beth was flying toward it.

    I had my yard shoes on, untied as usual, and I started running after her.  I yelled "Beth" and she stopped

    (Mental image time:  75 year old man wearing floppy shoes running across the grass holding a flashlight like a baton in a relay race).

    I caught up to her and herded her back into the yard.

    I don't know if my yell stopped her, or the underground fence did.  I don't even know where she stopped, although I thought it was in the neighbor's yard.

    But she went back into our yard without getting shocked.  So either she was not beyond the fence or the fence is not working. 

    I may have to go out tomorrow with her necklace in hand and check.  I don't look forward to that.

    I was really scared.  If she had continued after the animal, I would have had to follow that flashing red light though yards and fields, running the risk of being called a peeping Tom again.

    After our museum board meeting last night, I took a survey of 3 guys.  I asked them to pronounce the word handkerchief.   Go ahead, say it.

    All 3 said I wonder where did the d go?

    This was all set off by hearing "She's Leaving Home" by the Beatles.  The young girl leaving home clutches her handkerchief as she exits the house.  I keep listening, but I can't tell if the British boys are saying hankerchief or handkerchief.

    I know in a world that seems to be collapsing around us, that is really a minor point.

    But I still wonder.

    By the way, I only use tissue.  Makes it easier.

Peace and Love

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