Friday, November 17, 2023

memories and torture

 This was one of those days

    I went to my memory section on Facebook to see what was in my past, which I frequently forget.

    13 years ago I was preparing for surgery  to repair my umbilical cord hernia.  That was fun.  I do remember I could not do any lifting, which I did not have to do back then.  But when Julia was home  for Christmas and we had a big snowfall. I could not use the snowblower.  But she could.  We e fired the puppy up,  I showed her how to use it, then watched as she pinned herself to a snowdrift at the bottom of the driveway because she shifted into reverse.  

    In between spasms of  laughter, I shifted it out of reverse and she was fine.

    11 years ago was the last performance of A Dickens of a Christmas Carol.  This was a VCCT original that we put together and it was a funny show.  The problem is, I don't think enough people came to see it.  It would have been worth admission to see my friend Curt as Tiny Tim!

    10 years ago, we had a tornado watch.  A storm with high winds and hail headed our way with the winds expected to be about 80 mph.  Ye, we sheltered in place.

    Sadly, 9 years ago we attended the visitation of a young man who was a  friend and a former student. Just does not seem possible it was that long ago.

    Speaking of long. .I have to get a replacement title for a car.  I called the SOS office to clarify something and was on hold for about 20 minutes then abruptly disconnected.  Seriously.

    I called again, and after another lengthy wait, I talked to a person who was actually helpful.  She told me I needed a waiver of lien statement from the lender.

    The lender was Honda financing.

    Now yesterday I called their 800 number 4 times.  Each time the call ended after a certain point.  Once after I pressed one, once when I pressed the number for financial services, once before I could even press one, and the last time I don't remember anything working.

    So today I called again, expecting the worst.

    I talked to person on the first try!  Yes, I had a 23 minute wait, but I talked to a real live person.

    I explained I needed a waiver of lien statement for a Honda they financed.  I gave her the VIN number and she said, "Sorry to tell you, but we can't issue a waiver because the car was sold long ago.  We archive that information.  But I will tell you how to get it."

    She gave me the web address, then walked me through the process.  But by this time my phone was beeping low battery because I had been on hold so long!  I apologized after asking her to repeat something for the 900th time. 

    She talked me through the form, I finished on my own, the lien waiver letter is in the mail and all is looking better.

    I told her thank you because she was the only person I have talked to who has really helped me.  I appreciated that.

    You can safely assume I did not get out to solve my yard block puzzle.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Or not.

Peace and Love

PS....Renee......Julia said I ordered the wrong size pizza.  This was too big.  Oops.

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