Saturday, November 4, 2023

early today

 I am getting an early start on this today

    I am not sure when our clocks will fall back.  I suppose I will do that before bed, but my sleep will be disrupted for months; probably until the next time change.

    Jackie and I are going to see Paula Poundstone at the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb tonight.  It will be Jackie's first Paula show, and my second.  I always enjoy her on Wait Wait, the NPR news program, and she is a stream of consciousness person, much like me at times.  Except she is funny.

    Show starts at 7, and I don't know when we will be home.

    Thus, an early blog.

    I did finish fertilizing today.  Took about 20 minutes. but I can now cross that job off my fall to do list.

    When I got done I was ready to put the mower away and decided to wash it off.  I should have picked up Beth's piles before riding around the yard.

    I got out my expansion hose.  This has to be completely dried when done, because it can expand and break when not used.  Don't ask me how, I don't understand.

    But I do know the wheels on the tractor do go round and round but with large brown spots.  Could be mud.  Could be.

    So I was in the driveway,  ear protectors on, listening to the Saturday afternoon blues, maybe swaying and moving to the music, and blowing out the hose to make sure it is empty.

    I was blowing it with my mouth.  Suddenly, I detected a presence and turned to find a FedEx driver staring at me.

    I took my headphones off and he said he didn't want to scare me, which he didn't.  I told him I was just clearing the hose and he nodded with that "what the hell is he doing" look.

    We laughed about it, he took a picture of the package, and left.

    I rolled up the hose and went in the house for an afternoon tea.  Earl Grey, with just a hint of bergamot.

    Just another day in my boring life.

Peace and Love

I love the details at the Cornado Theater in Rockford

JC , Superstar

Jackie's cactus is getting flowers....I need to repot it.

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